Belle’s nightmare at home comes to a violent head this week, when horrible Tom savagely strikes his wife and leaves her lying in agony on the kitchen floor!
His barbarous act of violence occurs as he overhears Belle and her family softly mocking him behind his back. Tom’s temper becomes out of control, and Belle bears the repercussions.
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“Tom turns his terrifying sights on Belle when he can’t control his anger,” claims our Emmerdale insider. “When Belle realises he’s been faking his good mood, she tries to console him. “The atmosphere at home is ugly, and she can sense his temper is about to erupt.”
As the week begins, Tom, not satisfied with the numerous ways he has already seized control of Belle’s life, sets out to ensure he has complete control over her activities. He opens a joint bank account for them, claiming it’s what newlyweds do, but it’s all part of his ruthless plan to track her expenditures.
But he wants more than just financial power; he also wants to alienate her from all her loved ones. Tom has already shown his displeasure with Belle spending too much time with the Dingles, given how important his wife’s extended family is in her life. When he sees Lydia and Mandy approaching Belle through the puppy cam, he becomes agitated.
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