The science fiction epic “Interstellar,” directed by Christopher Nolan, will be rereleased in theaters to commemorate its tenth anniversary. The movie, which debuted in 2014 and made an astounding $731 million worldwide, stars Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey, and Anne Hathaway. It is set in a dystopian future where a group of astronauts must travel to the far reaches of space in order to find a new planet for humanity to colonize.
During its presentation to theater owners and executives at CinemaCon, the exhibition industry convention happening this week in Las Vegas, Paramount Pictures revealed the re-release. September 27, 2024, will see the return of “Interstellar” to theaters. It will be screened on digital screens in addition to Nolan’s favorite format, 70mm Imax prints. Warner Bros., which shared co-production duties on the film, will collaborate with Paramount on the resurrection.
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Nolan Urged Moviegoers to See the Movie in 70mm Imax
“Interstellar” was recorded by Nolan using a combination of 65mm Imax and 35mm anamorphic film. It was a herculean challenge to release the film in film formats at the time when many theaters had already adopted digital projectors.
Nolan has maintained his steadfast support for both the film industry and Imax. His recommendation that the film be viewed in 70mm Imax resulted in weeks of sold-out showings.
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Oscars Best Picture also went to “Oppenheimer,” Nolan’s critically acclaimed film chronicling the development of the atomic weapon, for which he recently won best director. With a gross of approximately $1 billion, the historical epic was among the most successful films of 2023.
Recently, the intelligent action adventure “Tenet” by Christopher Nolan was also re-released in theaters. Among the most accomplished filmmakers in Hollywood, the director has also contributed to “The Dark Knight,” “Inception,” and “The Prestige.”
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