Busting Misconceptions Surrounding Immediate Dental Implants

Owing to the fact that immediate dental implants offer a faster and more efficient alternative to traditional implants, they have gained popularity in recent years. However, with their growing prominence, various myths and misconceptions have emerged, clouding the minds of patients seeking reliable information. Today, our goal is to unravel the truth behind the myths associated with immediate dental implants. We will do this by shedding light on the facts and debunking the common misconceptions, in order to provide you with a clear understanding of what immediate dental implants truly are.

Misconception 1: Immediate dental implants have a higher potential for failure in the future. Click here to find out about all-on-4 dental implants in Turkey.

Reality: This isn’t true because once an implant integrates, it doesn’t matter how it was loaded. It may have been true that immediate implants had a low success rate before the 70s, but not anymore. With advancements in knowledge in the dental industry, dentists now understand that the successful healing of dental implants doesn’t solely rely on immediate loading. Instead, we pay more attention to the movement of implants. There’s a thin line of difference between the two, but it’s a very important one. The requisite criteria for a successful immediate loading implant procedure include initial stability of the implant after insertion and provisional prosthetics that are not disturbed during the healing process. Professional dentists know that if these prerequisites cannot be met, then the implant should not be immediately loaded. Click here to find out about all-on-4 dental implants in Turkey.

Misconception 2: Immediate loading of dental implants doesn’t work.

Reality: When cases are properly selected and the appropriate techniques, materials, and protocols are used, immediate loading of dental implants does work. Over the past two decades, dentistry has made significant modifications and improvements to the initial clinical guidelines for dental implant placement, aiming to enhance integration into everyday practice. Implants require stability and sufficient blood supply for successful bone growth around them. When these conditions are met, the procedure is likely to succeed, provided other necessary factors are in place.

Misconception 3: Immediate loading of dental implants can’t, and shouldn’t be done.

Reality: Based on clinical experience, immediate loading of dental implants can be achieved in suitable circumstances. The right circumstance is not based necessarily upon a set of rules, but rather decisions based on clinical reality. Such realities include how dense the patient’s bone is and what type of occlusion the patient has. If the requisite criteria are met, then the procedure can be done effectively.

Misconception 4: All immediate loading dental implant cases are approached in the same manner.

Reality: Different cases that are appropriate for immediate loading are handled differently, based on whether the case involves a single implant or a full-arch restoration. There are four categories of immediate load patients and the risk factors associated with each are different. This means they all require different approaches. The applications for immediate loading are not the same in all applications. Immediate loading of a full-arch restoration is quite different from immediately loading a single-unit restoration from both technical and biomechanical perspectives. The parameters for successful immediate loading differ between anterior teeth (front teeth) and posterior teeth (back teeth). So, if you’re thinking of getting immediate implants, you can rest assured that your dentist will treat your case with its peculiarities in mind.

Misconception 5: Implant integration will be negatively affected by immediate loading.

Reality: There is no difference between immediate or delayed dental implants with respect to implant integration with surrounding bone in the jaw. Generally, if an implant has primary stability upon placement, then it has a very good chance of integration regardless of load timing.

Misconception 6: Everyone is getting immediate dental implants these days.

Reality: The perception that immediate loading procedures are commonly performed is inaccurate. They are not as frequent as believed. Most people probably think everyone is getting them because they’re being spoken about frequently in recent times. More patients would rather go for traditional implants because they believe they are safer, but that’s not true. 

Misconception 7: Immediate loading of dental implants is only for edentulous patients.

Reality: Under the right circumstances and with proper treatment planning, immediate loading of dental implants can be recommended for patients with different types of tooth loss (single tooth, full mouth, or partially edentulous). However, most available information on immediate loading pertains to patients with edentulism in the lower jaw, leading to the misconception that this approach is only applicable to such cases.

Misconception 8: It is difficult to put temporary teeth on dental implants right away.

Reality: Actually, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Nowadays, there are kits and parts specifically designed to make the process easier. Dentists can make temporary crowns and abutments in advance, so they don’t need to take extra impressions. If a dentist knows how to make a temporary crown for a regular tooth, they will find that the process for implants is just as simple or even easier. Surgeons can often handle the temporary placement themselves. Alternatively, they can use the patient’s own tooth as a temporary tooth, which is attached to a transitional abutment.

Misconception 9: Only very healthy or young patients can benefit from immediate implants

Reality: The requirements regarding demographics, age, and overall health for patients undergoing immediate loading procedures are not excessively strict, as long as other important factors are controlled (e.g., bone density, occlusion, soft tissue health, and home care ability). Anyone healthy enough to undergo implant surgery can also opt for immediate loading.

Misconception 10: Only specialists should perform immediate loading of dental implant procedures.

Reality: Some general dentists possess expertise in all aspects of implant placements and deliver exceptional results, while some specialists may provide average work despite their specialization. The high degree of skill and precision comes from each individual working alone or as a team. These practitioners’ skill sets vary, and not necessarily in a straight line.

We have put this together for you because we want you to know the truth about immediate dental implants. We believe it is time to embrace the advancements in science and leave outdated misconceptions behind. If after reading this, you think you’re ready to go ahead with getting dental implants, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you.

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