The anime series “Make My Day” on Netflix is based on a story written by Yasuo Ohtagaki, who also made the manga “Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt.” The story takes place in the far future when people have spread out across the stars but haven’t met any other intelligent species yet.
The story is about Jim, who is a talented artist but is forced to work as a prison guard on the harsh and cold planet of Coldfoot. When strange creatures come up from the depths of the planet and start killing people, Jim must work with an unlikely group of people to stay alive and make sure everyone else is safe. Here’s what you need to know about how season 1 of “Make My Day” ended.
Ending Explained: What Happened at The End of Make My Day Season 1?
The last ship was set to leave the planet at midnight, and Jim and the other people who lived there worked hard on a plan to make sure they would stay alive. While they were waiting for the rescue teams to arrive, the cameras caught some strange things happening. A ship had to make an emergency landing, and the guards checked out the site.
When they got there, they saw that it was Commander Bark and a woman they did not know. They found out that the woman was Cathy Beck, who made all of the White Prison’s announcements on the screen. The Swarms that the ship was carrying along with the survivors attacked the ship, and the survivors think that the Sig woke them up.
When they realized that no one was coming to help them, they were devastated and lost hope. But Cathy said she had told people in the nearest star system what was going on, and help would be there in 24 hours.
Strategic Plan to Defeat the Swarm
The team planned to get all of the ships’ Sigs and store them in one place. This would bring in the Swarm, which would help them destroy most of it. As soon as the creatures woke up, a huge group of them started moving toward them. They could kill most of them with lasers and bombs, but it was still not enough.
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Marie’s Disappearance and Jim’s Rescue Mission: Battle with Robots and Betrayal
During the fight, Marie’s radio signal went out, so Jim ran to find out what was going on. He found out that Dr. Howard had taken her, and he planned to leave on the ship by himself. He told the robots to kill everyone in the city, so they went after Jim and Marie.
Marie tries to wake Casper up, and after a lot of work, she is able to do so. During the fight between the robots, a Swarm comes into the facility and attacks Howard. Jim uses the chance to disarm the scientist, and then things get back to normal.
Redemption through Naming: A Hero’s Escape from a Doomed Planet
As the Sigs kept the Swarm busy, the rest of the people ran towards the ship. But the creature’s self-destructing gas destroyed the planet. Also, big tentacles that were buried in the ground came out, but the ship left at the right time. As the ship took them out of the nebula cloud, Jim and everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.
Later, Walter is asked to be the godfather of Jim’s child, but he refuses because he doesn’t want the beacon of hope to be associated with a criminal. But his parents told him that he had saved many lives and was therefore a hero, not a bad guy. Walter named the baby Kou, which in Japanese means “happiness.”
Reviews of the Final Episode of Make My Day Season 1
The end of Make My Day is pretty simple and straightforward. The mission to stop the Swarms and get the Lifeboat ready to leave the planet is set up like a video game. It’s interesting to learn about the Swarm and how it relates to Dr. Hadson early on, but the show mostly uses tired tropes and ideas that have been done to death in this medium.
Since Alien in the 1970s, the idea of a ragtag group of survivors fighting off an alien threat has been around, and this series doesn’t do much to make itself stand out. This last episode only shows that, with Robert making a last-minute change and a pretty standard escape.
But the ending is very conclusive, so it seems unlikely that there will be a second season, but with Netflix, you never know! All of the animations have been pretty bad, and a lot of this feels like a cut scene from an early PS1 game.
The backgrounds are a bit better, but the character models are a real eyesore. Unfortunately, this ending only brings up all of those problems and the story’s simplicity, which makes for a pretty boring experience.
The end of Make My Day is pretty simple and straightforward. The mission to stop the Swarms and get the Lifeboat ready to leave the planet is set up like a video game. It’s interesting to learn about the Swarm and how it relates to Dr. Hadson early on, but the show mostly uses tired tropes and ideas that have been done to death in this medium.
Since Alien in the 1970s, the idea of a ragtag group of survivors fighting off an alien threat has been around, and this series doesn’t do much to make itself stand out. This last episode only shows that, with Robert making a last-minute change and a pretty standard escape.
But the ending is very conclusive, so it seems unlikely that there will be a second season, but with Netflix, you never know! All of the animations have been pretty bad, and a lot of this feels like a cut scene from an early PS1 game.
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The backgrounds are a bit better, but the character models are a real eyesore. Unfortunately, this ending only brings up all of those problems and the story’s simplicity, which makes for a pretty boring experience.
Final Words
Jim must work with an unlikely group of people to stay alive and make sure everyone else is safe in season 1 of “Make My Day”. The end of Make My Day is a simple and straightforward story of a ragtag group of survivors fighting off an alien threat, with Robert making a last-minute change and a standard escape. The end of Make My Day is simple and straightforward, with Robert making a last-minute change and a standard escape.
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