Sand Land: The Series, based on the namesake manga series by the great Akira Toriyama, is an original net animation that will air on Hulu and Disney+. It takes place in a dystopian society where water is a valuable resource. The plot revolves around demon ruler Beelzebub and his allies as they search for a fresh source of water.
Season one premiered on March 20, 2024. Do you want to know if Sand Land: The Series will return for another season? This is all we have figured out. Here’s everything we know about Sand Land: The Series Season 2’s release date and when it will be available.
When Will Season 2 of Sand Land: The Series Premiere?
Season 2 of Sand Land: The Series does not currently have an official release date; however, one may be revealed shortly. Disney has not announced the second season of Sand Land: The Series as of March 2024.
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Before this, on August 18, 2023, a namesake anime film based on Toriyama’s work was released. The initial six episodes of the series, titled Akuma no ŋji, consist of expanded sequences and have been reformatted from the original films. Seven additional original episodes were written by Toriyama and published under the title Tenshi no Ysha. The premiere dates for Akuma no Ŏji and the inaugural episode of Tenshi no Ŏsha were March 20, 2024. Each week, the remaining six episodes will be released.
Moriyama’s demise occurred on March 1, 2024, before the series’ premiere. Therefore, to further develop the narrative, the remaining participants in the project will be required to devise an all-new plot.
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Sand Land: The Series features Mutsumi Tamura in the role of Beelzebub, Kazuhiro Yamaji in the role of Rao, and Chō in the role of Thief in its voice cast. The ensemble also includes Satoshi Tsuruoka in the role of General Are and Nobuo Tobita in the role of General Zeu.
Where Will Season 2 of Sand Land: The Series be Available?
Season 2 of Sand Land: The Series may premiere on Hulu in the United States and Disney Plus internationally. Because the premiere season of Sand Land: The Series occurred on the same platforms, this is the case. When official approval is granted for the second season, ComingSoon will furnish an update.
Sand Land’s official synopsis is as follows: The Series is titled:
“Sand Land is an enigmatic realm where both human beings and demons struggle for survival in an arid desert wasteland.” Sheriff Rao, a human, and Fiend Prince Beelzebub, a demon named Thief, ally to restock their water reserves. Together, they undertake an expedition in pursuit of the fabled spring.
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