Who is Jean-luc Picard? What Happens to Him in the Timeline of Splinter?

Jean-Luc Picard is a fictional character from the Star Trek franchise. He is most famous for his role as captain of the Federation spacecraft USS Enterprise.

All there is to know about Jean-Luc Picard will be covered in this article. You may read the entire thing by scrolling down.

Who is Jean-Luc Picard?

Jean-Luc Picard was an accomplished Starfleet officer, as well as an archaeologist, writer, historian, diplomat, and philanthropist, who was active throughout the 24th century. His time as commanding officer of the Federation starships USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D, and USS Enterprise-E stands out as the most significant in his career.

Who is Jean-Luc Picard?

As a result of his positions, Picard not only witnessed but actively participated in shaping some of the most momentous events in recent galactic history. Therefore, as Federation flagship commander, he met and communicated with at least 27 different alien species, including the Ferengi and the Borg.

As the Klingon Empire’s Arbiter of Succession, he oversaw the installation of Chancellor Gowron and served as the primary conduit of communication with the Q Continuum. Eventually, Picard would aid a group of dissident Romulans in establishing a presence on the Romulan homeworld and prove that the Romulan Star Empire had aided Gowron’s principal foes.

How did Jean-Luc Picard First Become Involve with Starfleet?

When Picard decided to apply to Starfleet Academy, he caused “quite a sensation” by abandoning the family winery. Picard’s initial attempt in 2323 was unsuccessful, but his subsequent attempt was fruitful. Soon after, he rose to prominence among his fellow cadets. Picard’s experience at the Academy was trying at best. Picard credited Academy groundskeeper Boothby with being a formative figure in his development.

Picard’s companions at the Academy included Donald Varley, Cortan Zweller, Marta Batanides, Dr. Beverly Crusher, and an unnamed individual whose initials he carved into Boothby’s cherished elm because he blamed them for his failure in Organic Chemistry.

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What Happens to Jean-Luc Picard in the Timeline of Splinter?

In the timeline when the Borg had already conquered Earth, they attempted to wipe off Picard and the Enterprise-E. To accomplish this, they fired a temporal beam at the Enterprise as it traveled from the mid-21st to the early 24th century.

Who is Jean-Luc Picard

The Enterprise was unharmed, but the beam created other timelines. As in the original timeline, the Borg maintained a presence in both the Alpha Quadrant and on Earth. As in the primary reality, the Enterprise returned to the 24th century victorious in the other timeline.

Before Star Trek: Picard’s first season, most licensed publications took place in this timeframe, later dubbed the First Splinter Timeline. Prior to its instability, the First Splinter Timeline was virtually identical to the main timeline of reality. Since President Min Zife was such a horrible leader, in this timeline Picard assisted Section 31 in removing him from office.


Is Jean-Luc Picard Immortal?

Picard dropped, and his sick body started to disintegrate. He and his crew were dispatched to the planet’s surface, where they all perished.

Soong had been working on a golem to house his consciousness when the Romulans arrived and interrupted him. Assisted by Jurati and Soji, Soong was able to transfer Picard’s consciousness and memories into the golem just before Picard’s brain stopped functioning.

As he had been given a second chance at life, he decided to go on with La Sirena’s crew. Because the Federation’s prohibition on synthetics had been repealed, he and Soji Asha were free to travel wherever they pleased.

Significantly, the issue in Picard’s parietal lobe that ultimately killed him in his human body was not present in the golem’s neural net. Every other aspect of the android body was designed to mirror Picard’s human anatomy. It had the same remaining lifespan that Picard’s human body would have had if it hadn’t had an issue with its brain, and no special powers of any kind.

Wrapping Up

Jean-Luc Picard is a fictional character from the Star Trek franchise, most famous for his role as captain of the Federation spacecraft USS Enterprise. He was an accomplished Starfleet officer, archaeologist, writer, historian, diplomat, and philanthropist who was active throughout the 24th century.

His time as commanding officer of the Federation starships USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D, and USS Enterprise-E stands out as the most significant in his career, as he met and communicated with 27 different alien species, oversaw the installation of Chancellor Gowron, and served as the primary conduit of communication with the Q Continuum.

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