Simon Otto will serve as the director of the forthcoming animated Christmas film That Christmas. It comprises a compilation of interrelated narratives that center on the themes of isolation and affection. The film, which is an adaptation of a Richard Curtis novel series, will serve as director Otto’s directorial debut. According to our knowledge, the premiere date for That Christmas is as follows.
Here is my current understanding of the That Christmas release date and every detail regarding when the album will be available.
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Is there a Release Date for That Christmas?
The anticipated publication date for That Christmas is between the middle and end of 2024. Locksmith Animation began production in November 2019 on a film adaptation of Curtis’s works titled The Empty Stocking. At various junctures, Fox and Warner Bros. Pictures were involved in the production as distributors, prior to June 2022, when Netflix acquired the rights.
The directorship of Simon Otto’s participation in the initiative was disclosed by Locksmith in June 2021. Additionally, the organization declared during that period that the forthcoming film would be titled That Christmas. The premiere of the film is anticipated to occur in 2024. Nevertheless, given that it is currently late April, it is reasonable to hypothesize that That Christmas will be released between the middle and end of 2024.
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Based on the information available to us at the time of writing, this date is an estimate. That Christmas features a voice cast that includes Bill Nighy as Bill, Fiona Shaw as Ms. Trapper, Brian Cox as Santa, and Jodie Whittaker as Mrs. Williams.
Where is That Christmas Coming Out?
Netflix is expected to release That Christmas in the middle to late months of 2024. This is so because the massive streaming service owns the movie’s distribution rights. We will update our users as soon as Netflix releases information on That Christmas’s precise release date.
That Christmas’s official synopsis is as follows: “A collection of interwoven stories about family and friends, love and loneliness, and Santa Claus making a major error—not to mention a huge number of turkeys!”
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